Barry and I competed in our first coffee brewing competition! It was at Bloc Coffee Company and was hailed the brewers cup. Anne entered and drove us down and we grabbed burritos beforehand to fuel us haha. I wasn’t even a bit nervous until we got there and I saw how many people were there and that we’d be put up on big screen tvs. It was not what I was expecting at all. But it was so much fun! I was shaking and adrenaline was flowing and once I was up there I couldn’t hear anything but my thoughts. I tried to stay calm and made the coffee as best as I could. Neither of us ended up making it on to the next round, but we came as little rookies and I think we kicked ass! We also found out the people making it onto the next rounds were making way different ratios than us. It’s all relative though, and everybody likes their coffee different after all. So now that I know what to expect, I can’t wait to compete again!
On the drive down haha! |
Barry being cute! |
Nervously waiting to start. |
pic from @littletonytone on instagram! |
You are always a winner to me.